In Giveaway/ Messages/ Wanderlust I’m turning 30! : : A Bali adventure, A Gift for You, & a Giveaway!!! Hey gals! October is officially my birthday month. I’m turning the big 3-0 on October 7th. Yippy! I’m really excited about it. I know… Continue Reading →
In Business/ Family/ Women Supporting Women Interview with Brandi Sellerz-Jackson : : Founder of #NotSoPrivateParts I’m so honored to share with you my interview with Brandi Sellerz-Jackson. She’s the mother of two boys, Jax and Jedi, and married to… Continue Reading →
In Family/ Raising Global Citizens/ Wanderlust 6 Days in Tokyo with Kids : : How I Choose a Safe and Reliable Airbnb For months I’d been hoping to take the girls on a trip while my husband was on an extended assignment off-island. After some careful… Continue Reading →