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    14 In Breastfeeding/ Giveaway/ Global Issues

    World Breastfeeding Week Begins Today! : : NursElet Giveaway!!

    Hey ladies, so August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month here in the United States and 1-7 August is World Breastfeeding Week around the globe.

    Breastfeeding Awareness month with Anjelica Malone

    As a Lactation Educator Counselor and breastfeeding mama to my 17 month old, Little Woman #2, breastfeeding is my world. I decided to become a trained lactation professional a little over 3 years ago after running into some trouble with breastfeeding Little Woman #1. We were living in Puerto Rico at the time and lactation support was very limited.

    Anjelica Malone nursing NursElet giveawayMy Journey through Breastfeeding

    At about 6 weeks old LW#1 just completely stopped latching on. She had been nursing beautifully up until that point. She regained her birth weight before she was 2 weeks old, I never experienced pain with nursing not even for a single feeding, I never had cracks or bleeding, and I assumed I was in the clear. I didn’t recognize that breastfeeding was a journey and that concerns can arise at any point; whether it be within the first few days, 3 months, 6 months, or at weaning time. So when LW#1 began fussing unconsolably at the breast, scrunching her body, and refusing to feed for hours, I was lost.

    I reached out to my doula and a midwife friend of hers and they both offered us support, but lactation wasn’t their specialty. With the additional support of LW#1’s pediatrician we were able to survive that rough time, remain exclusively breastfeeding, and make adjustments that helped both her and I get back to breastfeeding with ease. Anjelica Malone Breastfeeding Awareness month

    But that experience led me to take action. I knew I would continue to live overseas as much as possible and that there would ultimately be other mothers just like me that I met. Ones who spoke English and wanted one-on-one lactation support, even in the most remote locations. So when LW#1 was about 9 months old I enrolled in UC San Diego’s Lactation Educator Counselor Certificate program.

    Over the course of 3 intense months I studied my buns off practically every evening and worked on assignments during nap time. It was a saving grace to me. It not only gave me the knowledge I have now to serve women wherever I live, but it also gave me a freedom and sovereignty over an aspect of my life. I was able to gain a bit of that independence I needed to stay satisfied in my role as a full-time mother but also gain joy in creating my own business and service.

    Breastfeeding photos by Britt Holmes Photography.


    NursElet Breastfeeding Giveaway on AnjelicaMalone.com

    NursElet is currently featured in the August 2016 Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine.

    NursElet Giveaway!!!

    Today I have a special giveaway for you gals. I’m so excited to partner with Rupal Asodaria, Owner and Founder of NursElet. Whether you’re currently expecting a baby, already a breastfeeding mama, or a friend to a breastfeeding mama, everyone is welcome to enter. The NursElet accessory is perfect for new and pumping mamas especially, and would make a very useful baby shower gift.

    The photo gallery above is how I wore my NursElet and took it on a little adventure downtown Tumon, Guam. We decided to have a late lunch at one of our favorite Japanese spots.

    NursElet’s are vibrant organic cotton bracelets that help a mother secure her falling shirt during feeding or pumping and then can also be worn on your wrist to remind you which breast to feed on next. Use coupon code: Anjelica15 to get 15% of your purchase at NursElet.com.

    “For others, it’s a fashionable accessory but for a nursing mom, it’s a Life Saver!”

    3 Steps to Enter the Giveaway: CLOSED (8/3/16)

    World Breastfeedding Week & NursElet Giveaway!


    1. Follow @GetNursElet on Instagram.
    2. Follow me (@MotheringNaturally) on Instagram.
    3. Comment on this blog article, tell me what you love most about breastfeeding.

    *Giveaway ends on 3 Aug 2016. The winner will be announced on 4 Aug 2016 on Instagram and here on the blog. The winner will receive TWO NursElets, one for them and one for a friend!

    Update: The winner of the giveaway is Liz (@daintydandelion). Congratulations!! Anjelica Malone Blogger Lactation Counselor Shoppe owner