Hey ladies, so August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month here in the United States and 1-7 August is World Breastfeeding Week around the globe.
As a Lactation Educator Counselor and breastfeeding mama to my 17 month old, Little Woman #2, breastfeeding is my world. I decided to become a trained lactation professional a little over 3 years ago after running into some trouble with breastfeeding Little Woman #1. We were living in Puerto Rico at the time and lactation support was very limited.
My Journey through Breastfeeding
At about 6 weeks old LW#1 just completely stopped latching on. She had been nursing beautifully up until that point. She regained her birth weight before she was 2 weeks old, I never experienced pain with nursing not even for a single feeding, I never had cracks or bleeding, and I assumed I was in the clear. I didn’t recognize that breastfeeding was a journey and that concerns can arise at any point; whether it be within the first few days, 3 months, 6 months, or at weaning time. So when LW#1 began fussing unconsolably at the breast, scrunching her body, and refusing to feed for hours, I was lost.
I reached out to my doula and a midwife friend of hers and they both offered us support, but lactation wasn’t their specialty. With the additional support of LW#1’s pediatrician we were able to survive that rough time, remain exclusively breastfeeding, and make adjustments that helped both her and I get back to breastfeeding with ease.
But that experience led me to take action. I knew I would continue to live overseas as much as possible and that there would ultimately be other mothers just like me that I met. Ones who spoke English and wanted one-on-one lactation support, even in the most remote locations. So when LW#1 was about 9 months old I enrolled in UC San Diego’s Lactation Educator Counselor Certificate program.
Over the course of 3 intense months I studied my buns off practically every evening and worked on assignments during nap time. It was a saving grace to me. It not only gave me the knowledge I have now to serve women wherever I live, but it also gave me a freedom and sovereignty over an aspect of my life. I was able to gain a bit of that independence I needed to stay satisfied in my role as a full-time mother but also gain joy in creating my own business and service.
Breastfeeding photos by Britt Holmes Photography.

NursElet is currently featured in the August 2016 Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine.
NursElet Giveaway!!!
Today I have a special giveaway for you gals. I’m so excited to partner with Rupal Asodaria, Owner and Founder of NursElet. Whether you’re currently expecting a baby, already a breastfeeding mama, or a friend to a breastfeeding mama, everyone is welcome to enter. The NursElet accessory is perfect for new and pumping mamas especially, and would make a very useful baby shower gift.
The photo gallery above is how I wore my NursElet and took it on a little adventure downtown Tumon, Guam. We decided to have a late lunch at one of our favorite Japanese spots.
NursElet’s are vibrant organic cotton bracelets that help a mother secure her falling shirt during feeding or pumping and then can also be worn on your wrist to remind you which breast to feed on next. Use coupon code: Anjelica15 to get 15% of your purchase at NursElet.com.
“For others, it’s a fashionable accessory but for a nursing mom, it’s a Life Saver!”
3 Steps to Enter the Giveaway: CLOSED (8/3/16)
- Follow @GetNursElet on Instagram.
- Follow me (@MotheringNaturally) on Instagram.
- Comment on this blog article, tell me what you love most about breastfeeding.
*Giveaway ends on 3 Aug 2016. The winner will be announced on 4 Aug 2016 on Instagram and here on the blog. The winner will receive TWO NursElets, one for them and one for a friend!
Update: The winner of the giveaway is Liz (@daintydandelion). Congratulations!!