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    Join The “In Her Shoes” Campaign : : November 7th-20th, 2016

    COHI In Her Shoes Campaign

    Beginning now until November 20th, Circle of Health will be conducting its annual, “In Her Shoes” campaign.

    The focus of In Her Shoes, is to bring greater awareness to the maternal malnutrition crisis facing so many pregnant women around the globe, including the U.S.. Malnutrition is a problem that doesn’t simply affect the mother but her growing child and is then passed down until an intervention is made. Malnutrition during pregnancy can result in pregnancy complications, premature birth, and increased risk of maternal and infant mortality.

    But there is hope. Circle of Health (COHI) is working with local medical personnel and community based organizations, by providing medical training, volunteers, and supplies. All of which provide relief to mothers and babies in countries such as Tanzania, Syria, Nepal, and Haiti.

    You can be a part of the solution by joining the campaign, either by registering with a team and for 3 days eating the diet of a typical mother in one of the countries I mention or by making a donation.

    I’d love for you to join my team and help me raise money. I believe that mothers and babies everywhere matter and that A Global Tribe of Women is passionate about and mindful of this issue. I’ll be consuming the diet of Tanzanian mother, Farida. Here is my shopping list for the challenge.

    I’ll be documenting my journey here. Come follow, say hi, and let me know if you’ve joined the cause.

    Thank you so much for valuing the lives of women within and beyond the borders of your home country.

    Anjelica Malone Blogger Lactation Counselor Shoppe owner