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    How To Use The Diva Cup & Reduce Your Exposure to Toxins

    So, I’ve been using The Diva Cup for a few years now and I absolutely love it! It’s made of soft silicone, contains no toxic dyes, and is super small and easy to travel with. I’ve literally taken my Diva Cup with me on trips to Japan, Korea, and Bali, and haven’t regretted it! It’s so nice to just throw it in my bag and not worry about packing enough pads or tampons. Ugh! I also learned that pads and tampons contain tons of harmful ingredients like viscose rayon, dioxins (used for bleaching the materials) and phthalates which may act as endocrine disruptors in our body!  If you haven’t watched the video Toxic Baby, you must watch it!

    Our vaginas are literally coated in mucous membrane and blood vessels that make it uber convenient for chemicals to seep into our body. By using a silicone menstraul cup, you’re reducing your exposure to toxins, reducing waste, and living just a bit lighter.

    When I first started using my Diva Cup, I struggled with how to get it in. I read tons of reviews, but still couldn’t figure it out! I wished someone could just show me how they folded it! Well, today I’ve got a video showing you just how I fold and insert mine! I hope you find it helpful.

    If after watching this video you still have questions, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.