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Travel Noire

    2 In Culture/ Foodie/ Wanderlust

    Discovering Bali Photo Journal : : Tonics for an Achy Traveler’s Heart

    Above is a photo journal of our trip to Ubud, Bali last December.

    Are you feeling bummed that you’re not traveling anywhere exotic right now and don’t have any trips on the docket? I’ve gotta say, I’ve been feeling pretty sulky about this myself. Whenever I come across these photos from our last trip I wish I was packing up my brown leather duffel again and wanderlusting somewhere warm and tantalizing with B. But seeing as though this isn’t always possible I’ve got a few tonics that help me infuse wanderlust right into my life here at home. I use these regularly on myself and hope they will ease your aching gypsy heart too. I don’t claim these to be cure-alls, because really, there’s no curing the travel bug.

     Get a taste of some far away destinations right in your own home.

    Tonic #1: Music. This one is free. Before you read any further–grab your phone or laptop and click on the Pandora app, create a new station called Worldbeat Radio, turn the volume up and head back over here to read the rest of this post. This Pandora station is a true treat for the ears. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing, when I turn this station on I’m instantly swept away to the steamy streets of Ubud or what I imagine a Moroccan market to be like.


    As you’ve probably already realized, I delight in being transported to new worlds with interesting people, smells overloading my senses, and unknown tongues being spoken all around me. Unfortunately, a trip isn’t always on the horizon for me. So one thing I love doing is bringing the world into my little island home.

    This brings me to…

    Tonic #2: Unique artisanal textiles. Rich hues and natural fibers paired with traditional Kantha stitching, Back-strap loom weaving from Guatemala, and Indian Hand block printing each tell the story of a country and it’s inhabitants. Draping a one-of-a-kind quilt over your couch or an array of Kilim pillows atop your bed will instantly add diversity to your space. I have a luxurious purple, gold, and teal hand-stitched Kantha quilt from Bengal, India at the foot of my bed. It’s just a bit heavier than a traditional summer quilt and is perfect for cuddling under and sipping hot green tea or lying out for a picnic. You can find more just like it here in my shoppe. Kantha quilts are an ancient traditional art form made by layering vintage saris one on top of the other and then stitching by hand, multiple running “kantha” stitches up and down the piece. At the end of the process a beautiful striated texture is left on the front and back surface of the quilt, usually of contrasting color to the sari itself. Since the saris are vintage, many show signs of wear and have been repaired in areas with fabric scrap patches. The ones in my shop provide work to disadvantaged women in India.

    Now, for a tonic that is a delight for your taste buds.

    Tonic #3: Treats. Stocking your pantry with tasty items like pounded rice called Mochi from Japan, which I like to toast in the oven on high heat then drizzle with honey, homemade Kimchi to add as a side dish to any Oriental inspired dish, Ritter Sport Chocolate bars from Germany, and pretty much any delectable goodie from World Market’s food & drink section will definitely give you a little taste of another land. Be sure to check out World Market’s wine and beer section. It’s awesome.

    Tonic #4: Incense. Permeating the air with Amber coated charcoal incense sticks, oh, how extravagant! While in Bali I fell in love with the daily incense burnings that were everywhere. From the front stoops of boutiques to the gate entrances of temples all along the walking paths – you would see little handwoven plates with a single incense burning, a banana leaf, vibrant pink, yellow, and white flowers, individually wrapped candies, and even a small pinch of rice. These tiny dishes are offerings for the Hindu gods and women all over Bali create upward of 100 or more offerings to sprinkle around their property every single day. Needless to say, Bali is fragrant. And when our plane touched down on Guam after our trip I immediately began to miss the delightful smell. Thankfully a friend who traveled to Bali recently brought me multiple packs back and I burn them both inside and out back on our porch to create a sensory trip back to Ubud. I highly recommend dusting off that old incense burner you may not have used in years, order a pack of these, and be transported to the Island of Peace.

    Tonic #5: Plan an ultimate girls night of watching Girl Eat World. Watching chef and trendsetter Kamini Pather jet-set around Lima, Johannesburg, Dubai and 7 other cities nomming on worldly eats is just delectable. Even if you’ve had your heart set on traveling somewhere exotic to bask on the beach, Kamini will convince you to bundle up and head to Denmark for a warm bowl of porridge on your next trip. Yeah, I’m not lying.

    Tonic #6: Live vicariously through two of my favorite Instagram feeds– @TravelNoire and @Kayakilim.

    Congrats! You’ve gotten all the way through my list. I hope these treatments have done you well and satiated your hunger to travel at least for a little while.

    Where are you hoping to travel next? Curious about traveling to Bali? Comment below and I’ll be sure to reply.

    All photos are property of Anjelica Malone. Please do not use without written permission.
    anjelica malone