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    (Video) Part 1 of Milk Boss 101 : : The 5-Step Tribe Method, Breastfeeding Goals, & Creating Your Milk Boss Manifesto


    Part 1 of Milk Boss 101: The Modern Breastfeeding Journal & Guide focuses on taking advantage of the prenatal time period in order to claim the breastfeeding experience you desire to have.

    I will take you through three primary sections.

    The first is The 5-Step Tribe Method; a system I developed that is intentional about reaching out to those who are already a part of your immediate friend, work, and community circles, and requesting that they help you in your goal of breastfeeding and achieving your postpartum goals within and outside of motherhood.  I outline what is expected of them, the information they should learn in order to best serve you, and possible people you may not have thought about as being key members of your motherhood journey.

    The next major section of Part 1, is Breastfeeding Goals; this portion of the book is a dedicated space for you to write out the 3 main milestones you’d like to reach during your time as a nursing mother. You will rank them in order of least to most important. With the most important goal receiving the most attention and planning. This allows you to then articulate your desires with your tribe and medical provider; as well as have your tribe member relay your wishes should you not be able to at some point after birth.

    The final section you’ll find in Part 1 of Milk Boss 101 is Milk Boss Manifesto. This section is one of the most important parts because it focuses on overcoming the mental challenges that often trip mamas up when it comes to meeting their breastfeeding goals. This is the challenging part of breastfeeding that is hardly, if ever discussed. Its what causes women to doubt themselves, their body, and their baby the most. In this section you’ll be prompted to write out a series of scenarios where you will likely be breastfeeding or pumping. You’ll then read through and discuss with someone in your tribe how this would ideally play out, as well as ask for help from a professional, your employer, or really who ever is need to help bring this dream to reality.

    If you still haven’t ordered your copy of Milk Boss 101: The Modern Breastfeeding Journal & Guide, you can still preorder yours using a discount code found at the bottom of this article here.

    I’d love to know your thoughts on Creating a Breastfeeding Tribe, Breastfeeding Goals, and developing a Milk Boss Manifesto. Please leave a comment below. I always reply.
