One of the hardest things for us entrepreneurs, makers, and world changers, is staying motived and not giving up on ourselves. If you’re in the throws of making your passion your career, then you know the daily struggle.
Every single day is an emotional and physical rollercoaster. Between networking, navigating social media, figuring out how to get others to take us seriously, learning to showcase our talent in an appealing way, managing our time, tackling accounting, and actually creating or doing whatever it is that we’re passionate about, it can all seem like way too much. I know, because this is where I am right now. But if there’s something I’ve learned, it’s that we must become our own biggest motivator. We must learn what encourages us to get out there one more day and to not let doubt or naysayers keep our light hidden. We are needed!
Let me share with you my personal struggle. There are three missions I’m currently working on.
- Share the extraordinary stories and talents of female makers, mamas, wanderlusters and world changers. I want to provide a place for women all across the world, from all backgrounds and ethnicities to come and find inspiration and camaraderie. I want you to come every week and find women that look like you, that may have had similar struggles as you, and see them dreaming and achieving big. I believe in cheering every woman on to pursue her passion in making our planet a more beautiful and peace-loving place. I want to eventually board planes headed to remote locations, step down onto unpaved roads, and offer a microphone to women who’s voices have yet to be heard.
- Curate unique pieces from around the globe that showcase the talents of women, improve the lives of disadvantaged people, and are sustainable/eco-consious. I want every piece to tell a story and make a meaningful impact in the life of the creator and the buyer.
- I want to support mothers during pregnancy and throughout their motherhood journey. From prenatal yoga and labor support to breastfeeding education and postpartum healing services.
These are quite lofty goals. I know! And I have no friggin’ idea how any of them will come true. I only know that they will take time and dedication. If I give up today, there’s no way I will ever achieve any of this. No one will hand me my dreams one day.
Many days I feel as if I’m just treading water. I worry that at any time the whole deck of cards may just fall. But I know more than anything that if I were to throw in the towel now on all my dreams, I’d never be able to live in peace. I’ve tried it. After an ignored or refused interview, an item I create doesn’t sell, a negative comment that’s said behind my back comes to light, I try and explain my dream and get a crooked look in response, I want to give up. But I know it will only leave an emptiness that’s soon replaced by a drive to get back out there. I’ve learned to give myself a dedicated amount of time to sulk, but once that time is over, it’s time to get back up.
So, today I want to encourage you. . .entrepreneur, dreamer, creator, wanderluster, or world changer. The world needs you. It needs what only you can provide. By giving up, you steal from the world. You choose to bury your unique gift, talent, or purpose before it’s had the chance to be fully birthed. Don’t do it! Just don’t! Give yourself and the world what it needs, YOU.
try these 8 things that I use to stay pumped & motivated:
one. Listen to an inspiring podcast geared toward entrepreneurs, creatives and world changers.
two. Create mind clarity and do a brain dump. Get a sheet of blank paper and write down every single thing you’d like to complete. Categorize each item into either the 3 month, 1 year, or 3 years+ column. Watch this video.
three. Get outside. Take a little time each day to expose yourself to sunlight. Most likely you’ve been stuck behind a computer or inside at a work bench.
four. Exercise. It will not only improve your mood, but it will boost your self confidence. You don’t want to get to your goal one day and be embarrassed to be on camera or in photos.
five. Coordinate regular meetings with other creatives. Be sure to invite those who are doing big things. By that, I mean, people who are rubbing shoulders with the people you want to be doing business with, people making the kind of money you want to make, and living a life similar to one you’re hoping to live.
six. Journal you buns off. Start the daily habit of writing down just a sentence or two. Write your thoughts, goals, tasks, and successes. You’ll be so grateful for this record of events as your goals become a reality. It’ll be awesome to see where you were and what you were thinking a year from now.
seven. Make a big deal out of small successes. Did you just get your first business license or create your first advertising campaign? Be sure to celebrate achievements both large and small. Maybe you just gained a new big name follower on Instagram or reached a certain number of followers on Instagram. Toast that new consignment deal or the first sale of your product.
eight. Remember, everything is figure-outable, as Marie Forleo would say. No problem is too big. It may take time and planning, but you can overcome all the challenges you will face.
bonus! Now, last but not least. Watch this 7 minute video below about Success, Failure, and The Drive to Keep Creating. I love TED Talks. This one with Elizabeth Gilbert is so empowering.
Which of these tips do you plan to implement today? Share them in the comments below. I always reply.